Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dealers (sic alcohol & drug) give free drugs to kids

Just as I can imagine SAB or Heineken standing outside schools or rugby matches giving out free booze... I can't imagine any 'dealer' would give away free anything...

yet here the spin is.... and yet again where drugs and alcohol are related soon after mentioning them together, the statistics are then massaged to give the impression that drugs are at fault and not alcohol...

Pretoria - Drug dealers stand at school gates to give drugs free of charge to pupils, a report on child abuse released on Thursday said.

The report, released by Solidarity Help Hand, said that the levels of child abuse in South Africa are increasing rapidly.

The report quoted a case study in the Western Cape, where it was found that 90% of child abused cases reported, drugs and alcohol played a role.

According to the case study, a five year-old child was raped while her mother was drunk.

It also said that young girls were lured into drugs and were later forced to become prostitutes.

According to the study a child is raped in South Africa every three minutes.

A study by the South African Youth Victimisation Survey in 2005 found that only about 11.3% of child rapes were reported to the police, Mariana Kriel, Solidarity Help Hand project director said.

"This means that for every reported case, an additional eight child rapes actually take place."

The report released in Pretoria, indicated that 1 410 children were murdered in 2007/08. Attempted murder of children stood at 13.7% at the same period - an increase of 22% compared to the previous year.


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